Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rachael Hunter Discovered in Op Shop (pic heavy and you're gonna have to read the whole post to get to Rach)

Op Shop, short for Opportunity Shop, also known as Charity, Second Hand or Junk Shop or Store, usually run by the Sallies, St Vinnies, the Red Cross, etc.  I love 'em.


Today I got a gorgeous felted wool skirt that fits perfectly (yeah, you can see my bra, who knew black merino turns see-through under the power of my x-ray camera flash?), and a heap of summery things which is totally mental because it's the middle winter.

I had great hopes for this  - genuine late 70s wool dress (Kirsti Casuals, fabric by Levena), but I really should have figured a shapeless nightie of a frock designed for a 92cm bust is not going to be particularly flattering on someone 10cms smaller.

I tried "styling" it: waistcoaty thing in the spirit of the era, better - but nothing can hide the fact it's too big, the neckline is hideously unflattering, and I'm sure my mum used to wear something like this.

 Nothing for it but the Kukka....

You may roll about laughing now, and bring me my milk pail.  I'm ready for the Apocalypse (and will have lemons for gin, so come on over!).

Not much luck on the pattern front, but these two munchkins caught my eye:

What a doll ;-)  I looked just like that when I was 3.

Remember More magazine?  My mum used to buy it, back when sophisticated mags for the modern career woman had knitting supplements.

Well, look at that, it's our Rachael.  Before she was Mrs Rod Stewart, Rachael Hunter was apparently the only model in New Zealand.  And the Trumpet girl.

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