Busy, busy in the run up to Christmas, and the summer holidays only 2 weeks away. so much I wanted to get done before I get the kiddos home fulltime - so much I am not going to get done!
But indulge me 2 lovely booklets I picked up today:
Another Stitchcraft publication from the late 40s (authority standards still being conformed to). Bunnies, squirrels... how cute are these?
And a real surprise, No.2 Viyella Knitting Book! Missing its cover, but these are lovely (I already have No.3). I love the 1920s style illustrations.
Look - schematics! How modern.
How sweet and old-fashioned is this? We've been watching Boardwalk Empire and these books put me right in that era.
Back to real life now.
Oh, I'd wear an Embroidered Frock like that if someone made me one!