The wet weather we're having cleared long enough for Ryan's cricket game on Saturday, and he christened the Perfect Cricket Sweater, i.e., got it covered in mud. So I washed it. Note to self and other knitters: always check the colour fastness of contrast yarn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Cleckheaton Country I used for the red and the bottom black stripe was fine. the Debbie Bliss Cashmerino I used for the black at the neck bleed horribly. I'm not impressed. It's ok, still wearable, just a bit smudgy.
I'm aiming to get the pattern up very soon. I was thinking a 6, 8 and 10 (this is the 6, designed to fit loose). Do I need a 4 as well? Seeing as it's the season for giving I want to make this a charity knit (Pakistan flood relief feels appropriate), but haven't quite sorted the logistics of it. Do I make it a free pattern with a suggestion people make a donation themselves (put a link on the pattern), or do I make it a pay pattern and donate from the proceeds myself (and do I donate all or some?), and hope people trust me to do so? How many people actually follow through with suggestions to donate to charity instead of payment? Must stop thinking so much!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
First week of the school holidays...
Well, at least the farmers will be happy. During a break in the rain the kids and I had celebratory end-of-year ice chocolates at our favourite out door cafe, the Greasy Spoon in Newtown. You'll never guess why it's a favourite with the children, could it possibly be the actual real car you can play in?
Ryan bought a Harry Potter wand from the Coin Save, the packet had pictures showing "Function" glowing lights and sound! Turns out the one Ryan bought was the model "without Function", but he's still pretty happy with his functionless plastic stick.
Christmas is coming as they say, so we've got a tree. A real one of course, in spite of the sneezing. I'm not entirely convinced about Ryan's addition of red tinsel, and look, it wasn't raining that evening.
And went to see Santa. Santa was having some trouble with his padding, and had to keep a tight hold on it. He must be miserable in all that Santa gear in this humidity, at least Kirk's has air conditioning. The kids loved their windows this year :-)
Zoe's been reading Phillip Pullman lately, and it seems to have made a bit of an impression. She wears that bag constantly, inside it she carries her alethiometer that came in a cereal packet. She's been whispering to her daemon a fair bit as well. How cool to be 9 and 3/4s and totally immersed in your imagination!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Bitten by the yarn chicken.
You'd think the world would be full of boy's cricket vest patterns, but I couldn't find one just right so I've made my own. 8ply, in the round, simple cables. I'm really happy with this vest, hoping to get a (free!) pattern up soon, just need to find a smidgeon more yarn to finish this one off.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Three Days in the South Island
Found in the Sea turns tourist, and the only knitting is Zoe's Olearia cardy that we lost in Nelson.
Next morning we drove to Nelson for my Grandmother's funeral. Hymns, bagpipes, tea and sausage rolls in the church hall. I do wonder who's going to make the tea in a few years time - those church ladies are all getting very old....
Afterwards we took the kids to the playground at Tahuna beach. I love all the old equipment that's been there since I was a baby, but I was not happy to find the rocket slide has been taken away! The Hipstamatic seemed the way to go, because I swear it's permanently 1973 at Tahuna beach.
It was stinky hot again, and I just couldn't keep the kids out of the water. Warm water! The sea where we live is always freeeeeezing, but the shallow Nelson Bays are gorgeously warm.
Driving back to Marlborough should have taken about an hour and a half, but there was an accident on the road over the Rai Saddle, and we were stuck in the heat for about an hour. Very sobering, it was a head-on collision by the look of the wreckage, they had to bring in the rescue helicopter, and cut the roof right off one of the cars.
An early morning ferry out of Wellington.
What the heck is in that slushy stuff? Lucky it was a smooth crossing, I'd hate to see that come back up.
A vineyard lunch, floating lemon leaf boats.
Allan Scott in Marlborough, a favourite stop for us on our trips out to Golden Bay.
The children approved of our accommodation.
Guests are encouraged to forage in the garden!
SO many rabbits, we saw dozens every day. Not a good thing, rabbit numbers are getting completely out of control again (now they're all immune to RCV), but still they are so darn cute.
If it looks hot in these photos, it's because it was.
I retreated to the bedroom to play with the Hipstamatic camera on my iPhone.
Next morning we drove to Nelson for my Grandmother's funeral. Hymns, bagpipes, tea and sausage rolls in the church hall. I do wonder who's going to make the tea in a few years time - those church ladies are all getting very old....
Afterwards we took the kids to the playground at Tahuna beach. I love all the old equipment that's been there since I was a baby, but I was not happy to find the rocket slide has been taken away! The Hipstamatic seemed the way to go, because I swear it's permanently 1973 at Tahuna beach.
Ryan's sulky because he wants to sit on the big seal.
It was stinky hot again, and I just couldn't keep the kids out of the water. Warm water! The sea where we live is always freeeeeezing, but the shallow Nelson Bays are gorgeously warm.
Driving back to Marlborough should have taken about an hour and a half, but there was an accident on the road over the Rai Saddle, and we were stuck in the heat for about an hour. Very sobering, it was a head-on collision by the look of the wreckage, they had to bring in the rescue helicopter, and cut the roof right off one of the cars.
Back in Marlborough it was 32 degrees so we retreated to the shade with a bottle of wine and took photos of each other ;-)
Cats apparently, not sheep.
I (foolishly and against all experience) hoped the summery weather might last forever, but this week my daughter has gone on school camp, so of course it's cold and wet.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Cute, cute, cute
Busy, busy in the run up to Christmas, and the summer holidays only 2 weeks away. so much I wanted to get done before I get the kiddos home fulltime - so much I am not going to get done!
But indulge me 2 lovely booklets I picked up today:
Another Stitchcraft publication from the late 40s (authority standards still being conformed to). Bunnies, squirrels... how cute are these?
And a real surprise, No.2 Viyella Knitting Book! Missing its cover, but these are lovely (I already have No.3). I love the 1920s style illustrations.
Look - schematics! How modern.
How sweet and old-fashioned is this? We've been watching Boardwalk Empire and these books put me right in that era.
Back to real life now.
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Poem Today
The Explosion
by Philip Larkin
On the day of the explosion
Shadows pointed towards the pithead
In the sun the slagheap slept
Down the lane came men in pitboots
Coughing oath-edged talk and pipe-smoke;
Shouldering off the freshened silence.
One chased after rabbits; lost them;
Came back with a nest of lark's eggs;
Showed them; lodged them in the grasses.
So they passed in beards and moleskins,
Fathers, brothers, nicknames, laughter,
Through the tall gates standing open.
At noon, there came a tremor; cows
Stopped chewing for a second; sun
Scarfed as in a heat-haze, dimmed.
The dead go on before us, they
Are sitting in God's house in comfort,
We shall see them face to face -
Plain as lettering in the chapels
It was said, and for a second
Wives saw men of the explosion
larger than in life they managed -
Gold as on a coin, or walking
Somehow from the sun towards them,
One showing the eggs unbroken.
RIP Pike River Miners
by Philip Larkin
On the day of the explosion
Shadows pointed towards the pithead
In the sun the slagheap slept
Down the lane came men in pitboots
Coughing oath-edged talk and pipe-smoke;
Shouldering off the freshened silence.
One chased after rabbits; lost them;
Came back with a nest of lark's eggs;
Showed them; lodged them in the grasses.
So they passed in beards and moleskins,
Fathers, brothers, nicknames, laughter,
Through the tall gates standing open.
At noon, there came a tremor; cows
Stopped chewing for a second; sun
Scarfed as in a heat-haze, dimmed.
The dead go on before us, they
Are sitting in God's house in comfort,
We shall see them face to face -
Plain as lettering in the chapels
It was said, and for a second
Wives saw men of the explosion
larger than in life they managed -
Gold as on a coin, or walking
Somehow from the sun towards them,
One showing the eggs unbroken.
RIP Pike River Miners
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My Grandmother....
She was my rock, my love, and always my inspiration. Her journey took her from Aberdeen in Scotland, to the North of England, and finally and permanently to Nelson, New Zealand. She had the coolest swimming togs ever, a university education (majoring in mathematics, she wanted to teach high school maths but the authorities of the time decreed a young woman could only teach infants), had 5 children (4 of them girls, my mother was the eldest), supported her GP husband and worked herself, and was always, always knitting (and sometimes spinning and dyeing as well).
I remember a busy, never quite tidy house full of young adults and children, family and friends, books and wool and records and cake tins and cold cuts and salad and hardboiled eggs, and the magnets on the fridge holding up our drawings. In the garden cats and dogs and goats and guinea pigs and lemon trees, tricycles and tennis rackets, Grandad watering his roses and Uncle Rod having a smoke. And in the middle of it, knitting with a cat on her lap, I see my lovely Grandma and I just want to snuggle in her warmth and feel that uncontrollable smile that would creep over my face as a child when I knew I was about to see my Grandma.
So, tonight I shall knit. A cat may or may not condescend to sit with me, but I think I'll be happy all the same.
Knit Tech
My knitting and vintage loving buddies will understand:
I got into a minor bidding war over this, ended up paying about twice what I meant to, but I'm so pleased to have it I'm not complaining (and I still got a bargain, I'm just cheap). It's an M.P. Handy Guide for Knitting and Crochet.
Look, it's even on Wikipedia (why is that not spelt Wikipaedia?):
(scroll down to "Complex Row Counters").
Yes, the sliders do stick a bit, but only a bit, I'm finding it insanely useful. Although I probably shouldn't be using it being a museum piece and all ;-)
Keen eyed obsessive knitters might also spot my new knitting technology. Oh yes, Addi Clicks! Handy! Although they the joins do catch a bit when knitting with the smaller size needles. Good thing I also have my Knit Picks. Can't have too many needles, specially when you're a little knitting ADD and have to start a new project every other day...
I got into a minor bidding war over this, ended up paying about twice what I meant to, but I'm so pleased to have it I'm not complaining (and I still got a bargain, I'm just cheap). It's an M.P. Handy Guide for Knitting and Crochet.
Look, it's even on Wikipedia (why is that not spelt Wikipaedia?):
(scroll down to "Complex Row Counters").
Yes, the sliders do stick a bit, but only a bit, I'm finding it insanely useful. Although I probably shouldn't be using it being a museum piece and all ;-)
Keen eyed obsessive knitters might also spot my new knitting technology. Oh yes, Addi Clicks! Handy! Although they the joins do catch a bit when knitting with the smaller size needles. Good thing I also have my Knit Picks. Can't have too many needles, specially when you're a little knitting ADD and have to start a new project every other day...
Friday, November 19, 2010
Passion and Buttons
Despite it being more sub-Antarctic than sub-tropical today, my passion fruit vine is flowering for the first time. Very strange looking flowers. One of the feijoas I planted about 7 years ago is about to flower for the first time as well. It hasn't been a warm spring, but it has been very wet, and we didn't have any frosts over the winter, so maybe that's fooled my brave subtropicals. The challenge will be to keep them well watered over the summer, and sheltered from the endless wind.
Buttons! Who is "the vintage button lady" who has a stall at Fabric-a-Brac? I need another fossick through her enormous collection - this pic is just a small corner of her table! I was hoping to find some nice big buttons for the test knit I'm working on, but I'm just not far enough through the knit to know what I really want for it. hopefully she'll turn up at a craft fair soon so I can have another hunt.
Zoe unfailing managed to pick out the most expensive buttons which I refused to buy ($20 each!), but she did score herself a pretty blue rose print silk scarf for $2 (clutched in her arm there).
Monday, November 15, 2010
Authorised Economy Standards
I've been reading lots of old magazines this week, mostly knitting but some general "women's interest" as well. There will have to be a post of "no, you really shouldn't have!" pictures, but for today my inner historian is sneaking out.
Starting with the 1940s - going by this booklet, wartime Wellington lasses were a stylish if slender lot, all those American G.I.s to impress:
I adore this, Knitted in Powder and Navy Blue:
All these designs are in one size, and that size is slender - catering to 32"-35" busts only. And should you be "over-slim"? "..a clinging jumper does accentuate your slimness. "Rucking" on the other hand gives that essential touch of fullness".
I also love this, "A delightful frock for the girl of 16 or 17". Those sleeves are perfect, but so much knitting at 6sts/inch. (Could be worse, most of these patterns are at 7-8sts/inch).
This next little publication was produced in "complete conformity with the Authorised Economy Standards", placing it firmly in the 1940s. I suspect late 1940s rather than wartime - several reasons, colour, glossy paper, and the overall look and styling of the clothes and photographs, and also the term "Authorised Economy Standards" rather than "War Economy Standard". I haven't been able to find out too much about wartime paper rationing and book publishing restrictions, but apparently paper continued to be rationed in Britain until 1949.
I find it slightly unnerving that the world I was born into was much more like the world c1950 than the world of today. In the 1970s we wore those brown leather shoes, Mary Janes or lace ups (Charlie Browns!), boys wore school shorts (even to no uniform schools) and we all had home knitted jerseys which our mothers handwashed in Lux flakes (and then tied up in an old pair of pantihose for a quick spin in the washing machine).
Lux in 1950, and Woolworths in the days when every department store sold knitting yarns, still stressing the "economy":
How exciting was 1950?
You've waited for it, you've asked for it -and here it is! The Lux Knitting Book is back after 8 years of wartime restriction and paper shortage, to keep faith with its friends all over Australia and New Zealand.
But imagine knitting this in "crochet wool"? Life can't have been that exciting... Here's a graphic version of the same frock, looking very 1950s.
Things were certainly looking up in 1950, from Stitch magazine June 1950 (a new find for me, Stitch was published in New Zealand from at least the 1940s to the 1970s, an absolute treasure trove of social and fashion history in NZ, more on Stitch later...):
Of course, we all knew about wartime rationing, but this I hadn't thought about:
Now, you can't read that, but it says:
All knitting enthusiasts will have read about the tremendous price increases there have been in raw wool prices in the last 18 months. Prices at the Australian wool auctions have rocketed.
The effect in Britain has been that some knitting wools have become difficult to obtain and many new synthetic yarns have been introduced but these synthetics do not knit up the same as wool.
All this has been a bit confusing for the knitter, so Stitchcraft, which always features designs in Patons yarns, is glad to be able to put the picture straight as far as these yarns are concerned.
The message goes on to explain that "the original Patons wools have been imperceptibly blended with a proportion of man-made fibres" and that the new blends are machine-washable, "which is quite an advantage".
Blend in synthetics, keep the price down. Clever Patons! Anyway, food for thought as surely the end of cheap reliable wool sources had an impact on the decline of knitting and the rise of synthetics in the 1970s. A bit of quick Google "research" points to the establishment of the Australian Wool Board, which could buy up wool that didn't meet reserve, and later the introduction of an guaranteed minimum reserve, both measures intended to shore up wool prices that had slumped to an all time low by 1970 - much to the joy of British knitters, not so great for the Australian sheep farmers. I also suspect it has something to do with Britain joining the EEC in 1973, but I can't quite put my finger on it (I must have missed that lecture and I don't seem to have an inner economist, sorry!).
Finally, you reward for sticking with me this far, a warts and all depiction of nursing according to Woman and Home 1957:
Starting with the 1940s - going by this booklet, wartime Wellington lasses were a stylish if slender lot, all those American G.I.s to impress:
I adore this, Knitted in Powder and Navy Blue:
All these designs are in one size, and that size is slender - catering to 32"-35" busts only. And should you be "over-slim"? "..a clinging jumper does accentuate your slimness. "Rucking" on the other hand gives that essential touch of fullness".
I also love this, "A delightful frock for the girl of 16 or 17". Those sleeves are perfect, but so much knitting at 6sts/inch. (Could be worse, most of these patterns are at 7-8sts/inch).
This next little publication was produced in "complete conformity with the Authorised Economy Standards", placing it firmly in the 1940s. I suspect late 1940s rather than wartime - several reasons, colour, glossy paper, and the overall look and styling of the clothes and photographs, and also the term "Authorised Economy Standards" rather than "War Economy Standard". I haven't been able to find out too much about wartime paper rationing and book publishing restrictions, but apparently paper continued to be rationed in Britain until 1949.
I find it slightly unnerving that the world I was born into was much more like the world c1950 than the world of today. In the 1970s we wore those brown leather shoes, Mary Janes or lace ups (Charlie Browns!), boys wore school shorts (even to no uniform schools) and we all had home knitted jerseys which our mothers handwashed in Lux flakes (and then tied up in an old pair of pantihose for a quick spin in the washing machine).
Lux in 1950, and Woolworths in the days when every department store sold knitting yarns, still stressing the "economy":
How exciting was 1950?
You've waited for it, you've asked for it -and here it is! The Lux Knitting Book is back after 8 years of wartime restriction and paper shortage, to keep faith with its friends all over Australia and New Zealand.
But imagine knitting this in "crochet wool"? Life can't have been that exciting... Here's a graphic version of the same frock, looking very 1950s.
Things were certainly looking up in 1950, from Stitch magazine June 1950 (a new find for me, Stitch was published in New Zealand from at least the 1940s to the 1970s, an absolute treasure trove of social and fashion history in NZ, more on Stitch later...):
"There are definitely better supplies of "Viyella" and "Clydella" available, but unfortunately the stage has not yet been reached when all demands can be satisfied."
Of course, we all knew about wartime rationing, but this I hadn't thought about:
Now, you can't read that, but it says:
All knitting enthusiasts will have read about the tremendous price increases there have been in raw wool prices in the last 18 months. Prices at the Australian wool auctions have rocketed.
The effect in Britain has been that some knitting wools have become difficult to obtain and many new synthetic yarns have been introduced but these synthetics do not knit up the same as wool.
All this has been a bit confusing for the knitter, so Stitchcraft, which always features designs in Patons yarns, is glad to be able to put the picture straight as far as these yarns are concerned.
The message goes on to explain that "the original Patons wools have been imperceptibly blended with a proportion of man-made fibres" and that the new blends are machine-washable, "which is quite an advantage".
Blend in synthetics, keep the price down. Clever Patons! Anyway, food for thought as surely the end of cheap reliable wool sources had an impact on the decline of knitting and the rise of synthetics in the 1970s. A bit of quick Google "research" points to the establishment of the Australian Wool Board, which could buy up wool that didn't meet reserve, and later the introduction of an guaranteed minimum reserve, both measures intended to shore up wool prices that had slumped to an all time low by 1970 - much to the joy of British knitters, not so great for the Australian sheep farmers. I also suspect it has something to do with Britain joining the EEC in 1973, but I can't quite put my finger on it (I must have missed that lecture and I don't seem to have an inner economist, sorry!).
Finally, you reward for sticking with me this far, a warts and all depiction of nursing according to Woman and Home 1957:
Friday, November 12, 2010
Go here tomorrow....

If it's at all convenient and you like fabric, buttons, patterns etc etc....
I thought I'd take my girly while the boys are off doing this:
It's pretty cute. I'm searching the vintage pattern hoard for a cricket vest to knit the lad. Maybe I'll find one at Fabric-a-Brac!
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